Simple Pendulum
1 min read • 212 wordsThis example investigates a simple pendulum using the corotational truss element.
This example investigates a simple pendulum using the corotational truss element.
# Adapted from
# Claudio Perez
import opensees.openseespy as ops
def create_pendulum(m, k, L, W):
# Create a model with 2 dimensions (ndm)
# and 2 degrees of freedom per node (ndf)
model = ops.Model(ndm=2, ndf=2)
# Create a node for the pivot point and fix it
model.node(1, 0, L)
model.fix(1, 1, 1)
# Create a free node with the mass
model.node(2, 0, 0)
model.mass(2, m, m)
# Create a corotational truss between nodes 1 and 2
model.uniaxialMaterial('Elastic', 1, k*L)
model.element('CorotTruss', 1, 1, 2, 1.0, 1)
# Initial displacements
model.setNodeDisp(2, 1, 0.05*L, '-commit')
model.setNodeDisp(2, 2, -W/k-(W/k+L)/3, '-commit')
# Pendulum weight
model.timeSeries('Constant', 1)
model.pattern('Plain', 1, 1)
model.load(2, 0, -W)
return model
def analyze_pendulum(model):
Tmax = 12*sec
dt = 0.01*sec
Nsteps = int(Tmax/dt)
u = []
for i in range(Nsteps):
model.analyze(1, dt)
return u
if __name__ == "__main__":
from opensees.units.ips import inch, sec, gravity as g
# Length of pendulum
L = 10*inch
# Pendulum mass
m = 1.0
# Linearized frequency of pendulum
omega = (g/L)**0.5
# Frequency of oscillator
w = 2*omega
# Stiffness of spring
k = m*w**2
model = create_pendulum(m, k, L, m*g)
u = analyze_pendulum(model)