This example uses the getTangent method to perform static condensation.
This example replicates the classic cantilever‐beam problem where:
Accordingly, the system has 4 active DOFs. We will:
ndm=2, ndf=3
and model.getTangent(m=1)
.Below is a small helper function condense()
that takes a square matrix
(stiffness or mass) and an array of indices ic
identifying which DOFs to keep. All other DOFs are statically condensed out using
where are the retained DOFs and are the ones to be condensed out.
def condense(K, ic):
Perform static condensation on matrix K, returning a smaller matrix
that retains only the DOFs in the list 'ic' and statically eliminates
all other DOFs.
Kc : 2D numpy array
The condensed matrix of size len(ic) x len(ic).
import numpy as np
# Convert list to np.array for indexing
ic = np.array(ic, dtype=int)
# All DOFs = 0..N-1
N = K.shape[0]
ix = np.setdiff1d(range(N), ic) # DOFs to be condensed out
# Partition:
K_tt = K[np.ix_( ic, ic )]
K_t0 = K[np.ix_( ic, ix )]
K_0t = K[np.ix_( ix, ic )]
K_00 = K[np.ix_( ix, ix )]
# If there are no DOFs to condense out, just return the original
if len(ix) == 0:
return K
# Perform the usual static condensation formula
# K_condensed = K_tt - K_t0 * inv(K_00) * K_0t
Kc = K_tt - K_t0 @ np.linalg.solve(K_00, K_0t)
return Kc
We now create a small function build_cantilever_model()
that sets up:
) with 3 DOFs per node:
.import opensees.openseespy as ops
def build_cantilever_model(L=1.0, E=1.0, I=1.0, m=1.0):
Builds a 2D cantilever of total length L, split into two beam elements.
Node 1: fully fixed in (ux, uy, rz).
Node 2 and 3: fix only ux, keep (uy, rz) free.
The beam has E, I for bending.
We assign lumped masses at node 2,3 in the y-direction only, with:
node2 mass = (0, mL/4, 0)
node3 mass = (0, mL/2, 0)
# Start the Model: 2D problem, ndf=3
model = ops.Model(ndm=2, ndf=3)
# Create 3 nodes at 0, L/2, L along x-axis
model.node(1, 0.0, 0.0)
model.node(2, L/2, 0.0)
model.node(3, L, 0.0)
# Fix Node 1 in all DOFs (ux, uy, rz)
model.fix(1, 1, 1, 1)
# Node 2, 3: fix only ux => (1, 0, 0)
model.fix(2, 1, 0, 0)
model.fix(3, 1, 0, 0)
# Geometric transformation for a linear beam in 2D
transf_tag = 1
model.geomTransf("Linear", transf_tag)
# Define a 2D elastic beam (elasticBeamColumn)
A = 1.0 # cross-sectional area (not crucial for pure bending)
Iz = I # moment of inertia
# E is user-specified
# We'll ignore axial effects or keep them large to approximate pure bending
# Element 1: Node 1 -> Node 2
model.element("elasticBeamColumn", 1, 1, 2, A, E, Iz, transf_tag)
# Element 2: Node 2 -> Node 3
model.element("elasticBeamColumn", 2, 2, 3, A, E, Iz, transf_tag)
# Lumped mass at Node 2 and Node 3 in the y-direction only
model.mass(2, 0.0, m*L/4, 0.0)
model.mass(3, 0.0, m*L/2, 0.0)
return model
Once the model is built, we obtain the global tangent matrices. The method:
model.getTangent(k=1) # for stiffness
model.getTangent(m=1) # for mass
returns the entire system matrix, including constrained DOFs. We must then extract the sub-block for the free DOFs, which are:
Hence the 4 free DOFs in the global system are . Let’s see how we do it:
import numpy as np
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Example parameters
L = 1.0
E = 1.0
I = 1.0
m = 1.0
# Build the model
model = build_cantilever_model(L, E, I, m)
# Get the full stiffness and mass matrices
K_full = model.getTangent(k=1)
M_full = model.getTangent(m=1)
print("Full system stiffness K_full:\n", K_full, "\n")
print("Full system mass M_full:\n", M_full, "\n")
# The 4 active DOFs are [5,6,8,9]
free_dofs = [5, 6, 8, 9]
# Extract 4x4 submatrix
K_4x4 = K_full[np.ix_(free_dofs, free_dofs)]
M_4x4 = M_full[np.ix_(free_dofs, free_dofs)]
print("4x4 stiffness matrix (DOFs 5,6,8,9):\n", K_4x4, "\n")
print("4x4 mass matrix (DOFs 5,6,8,9):\n", M_4x4, "\n")
In the textbook example, the 4 DOFs are labeled:
But in our global matrix, we see the order is . Typically, we want to condense out the rotations (call them in the text) and keep the translations ( ).
then we should reorder the 4×4 matrix so that translations come first
and rotations come second
. After reordering, we can apply condense()
to eliminate the rotation DOFs.
# Reorder the 4x4 so that translations are in the first block: [5,8], then rotations [6,9].
reorder = [0, 2, 1, 3]
# Explanation:
# 0 -> index 0 in K_4x4 is dof5
# 2 -> index 2 in K_4x4 is dof8
# 1 -> index 1 in K_4x4 is dof6
# 3 -> index 3 in K_4x4 is dof9
K_4x4_reordered = K_4x4[np.ix_(reorder, reorder)]
print("K_4x4 in 'translation-then-rotation' order:\n", K_4x4_reordered, "\n")
# DOFs to keep: the first 2 (the translations)
keep = [0, 1] # keep indices [0,1] in the reordered matrix
K_2x2_condensed = condense(K_4x4_reordered, keep)
print("Condensed 2x2 stiffness (after eliminating rotations):\n", K_2x2_condensed, "\n")
Finally, if desired, we can also find the transformation matrix that recovers the condensed DOFs (rotations) in terms of the retained DOFs (translations):
# Partition K_4x4_reordered as blocks:
# K_tt is the top-left 2x2
# K_t0 is the top-right 2x2
# K_0t is the bottom-left 2x2
# K_00 is the bottom-right 2x2
K_tt = K_4x4_reordered[:2, :2]
K_t0 = K_4x4_reordered[:2, 2:]
K_0t = K_4x4_reordered[2:, :2]
K_00 = K_4x4_reordered[2:, 2:]
import numpy as np
T = -np.linalg.solve(K_00, K_0t)
print("Transformation matrix T (rotations vs translations):\n", T, "\n")
print("--- End of demonstration ---")
and 3
to obtain the global stiffness and mass matrices, then sliced out the
sub-block for the free DOFs.This illustrates how the new OpenSees Python API can be leveraged for matrix-based analysis, including direct access to system tangents and flexible manipulations such as static condensation.